ICT Tools

What I can find here?

In this section you will find different tools or templates that I have developed mainly with Google Sheets and Google Apps Script for the management of educational centers or to facilitate your teaching task.

EduSched Generator

Application that allows you to generate your schedule in the calendar and export the daily class planning of the different subjects.


Application that once configured for your center, will allow tutors to request information from students before an interview.

Peer-assesment and Self-asessment

Template used to automatically grade the peer-assesment and self-assesment.

Meeting Diary

Template that allows you to manage interviews and communication with parents. Allows you to send emails and manage the calendar.


All applications and templates are distributed under license BY-NC-SA.

Personal data

The applications do not collect personal data; permissions are necessary for their operation, and the information is stored in users’ own documents. Check the Privacy Policy for more information.

Use them freely

The applications are distributed without profit and with the sole purpose of collaborating with the community. Native support is not provided, nor is their functioning guaranteed, although they have been previously tested. If you detect any errors, you can inform me.